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How to make a great About-us page that converts

When setting up your website, there’s a standard web page that is terribly underestimated and misunderstood. Unfortunately for most, it just happens to be one of your most-important pages on your website. It’s your about-us page, and it must deliver your bio and value proposition strategically and effectively.

As you’ll see, there’s a solid reason why your about-us page is so important. Before visitors subscribe, contact you, or buy from you, they almost always check your about-us page first. That means, your about-us page receives your most-valuable online traffic – those who’re interested in YOU.

Now, continue reading to uncover how to make a great About-us page that converts visitors into subscribers, prospects, and paying customers before they leave your website.

Why people check your About-us page and what they expect

Let’s start with two quick answers from NN/g – Nielson Norman Group. They were the first to coin the term UX – User Experience. And, they live and breath statistics that show us how to create online content that gets attention.

#1: Why people click on your About-us page:

According to NN/g, An about-us page is “important and accessed by many different types of users in a variety of scenarios.” This is one key audience from their short list:

Job seekers who were attracted by one of your opportunities and want to learn about the organization before applying”

“Job seekers” you ask? Well, swap the words “job seekers” with “subscribers,” “prospects,” or “customers.”  You’ll find that it fits very well. To explain, website visitors who engage with you directly are also attracted to your opportunities. That means, they’ll learn about you before deciding to contact you.

#2: What people expect from an About-us page:

This is a statement from the same NN/g article: “Users expect About-us pages to be clear, authentic, and transparent.”

NN/g reveals exactly HOW to be authentic and transparent

“Organizations that stand out from the crowd in favorable ways used tactics that helped them appear authentic and transparent. Those tactics included:

  • Storytelling
  • Using realistic photography
  • Showcasing unbiased reviews
  • Offering multiple channels to connect with people”

Fortunately for you, most websites underutilize their About-us page. They just don’t build them right, as I’ve personally seen for years, and for many many hours while writing this article. As such, this provides you with a simple way to gain a competitive edge online. Now, read on to uncover this amazing yet unrecognized opportunity!

Publish an About-us page that delivers!

Being such an important web page on your site, your About-us page MUST deliver. In order for that to happen, just follow the simple yet strategic guidelines revealed in this article. Then, start with one of the About-us page templates provided below and personalize it.

Although this page generally doesn’t increase traffic to your website, it will catch the eye of almost every potential subscriber, prospect, and paying customer that visits your site. And since your About-us page contains your bio and your value proposition, make it count!

Take, personalize, and use the provided About-us page templates

After reading through this article, you’ll find it easy to modify your favorite About-us page template from below. Then, expand it from there by combining two or three to make a fully custom version to call your own.

Differentiate yourself in your About-us page content

Generally presented within your mission statement, reveal your unique vision – tell your online visitors what differentiates you from your competition. To explain, highlight those differences that set you apart.

Since your personal story is a big part of what differentiate you from your competition, reveal the challenges you’ve faced and overcome. And if you connect those challenges to the status quo, you’ll be seen as a game-changer.

A successful industry game changer creates an improved market structure to benefit clients. Therefore, reveal ways you’ve improved how transactions operate in your market On top of that, show how you’ve faced this high-risk endeavor head on.

As an example, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp challenged the status quo and became game changers back in 2009. They did this by creating the Uber app and the rest was history.

Now, let’s prepare you to write an About-us page that really delivers…

Before writing your About-us page, uncover its real purpose – it’s not about you

Now that you’ve seen the importance of your About-us page, let’s dive into the real purpose it serves. You’ll be amazed at what you can do with a page that is viewed at least once by almost every potential prospect that visits your site – those with intent to engage with you directly.

Your About-us page introduces you to your potential subscribers, prospects, and buying customers. Therefore, share who you are and why you decided to offer your great value online. Then, mention your vision and your mission. Also, reveal how you plan to grow – your future goals.

Treat your About-us page like your resume and keep it updated. Keep in mind, the more you share about yourself in a concise way, strategically, the closer your online visitors will connect with you. And when you show them how each aspect of YOU will benefit THEM, their enticement will grow.

Your About-us page is at the top of your sales funnel

Along with advertising your mission, your background, and your accomplishments, your About-us page is a potential sales machine at the top of your funnel. And if it’s a well-oiled machine – one that truly performs well, every aspect of it will entice visitors to subscribe and make a purchase.

If your online visitors click on your About-us page to view your bio and learn more about you,  That means, those visitors are potentially hot leads – they’re checking you out to see if they can trust you. Therefore, convert them quickly before they move to another website.

Write your About-us page to gain prospects

Being at the top of your sales funnel, your About-us page really is your best lead-capturing machine. That’s because, no matter how many landing pages you already use, almost every website visitor with subscriber or buyer intent will click on your About-us page first.

Since those with intent to engage with you want to learn about you before introducing themselves, lead them there strategically. If compelled, they’ll provide their personal info – their name, email, phone number, and so on, in order to find out more.

RECEIVING THEIR PERSONAL INFO: Your visitor’s introduction

Actual subscribers and paying customers want to meet the person behind the website before introducing themselves. As such, entice them into providing their personal information BEFORE they leave. And trust me, you need to say much more than “Subscribe Here.”

Learn exactly how to entice them to sign up to your email list. What do I mean by enticement? Start by making it about them. Then, drive them to WANT to introduce themselves to you, without any pressure.  This is described next…

Drive your prospects home on your About-us page

Lead them home with your well-written story. And make it about how they will benefit from what you have to offer them. Below, get some great ideas and examples to use when writing your About-us page. Your success is my goal, so your client’s success will be your reachable goal.

Yes, potential subscribers and paying customers do want to see what makes you special. But if you reveal how you’ll benefit THEM throughout your content, enticement will turn into conversion. In short, that’s your “value proposition.” Use it well to receive many more signups to your email list and sales.

Your value proposition – sprinkle it throughout your your About-us page content

First, see how Investopia defines “value proposition”:

“A value proposition refers to the value you promise to deliver to customers should they choose to buy or sell. It’s part of your overall marketing strategy. Also, it provides a declaration of intent or a statement that introduces your brand to consumers by telling them what you stand for, how you operate, and why you deserve their business.”

Let’s break down the aspects that form a good “value proposition.”

Lay out the value you promise to deliver to your prospects

Start by summarizing why your online visitors should engage with you specifically.  Craft it to communicate how they’ll receive the highest possible value from you. Answer and highlight exactly how they’ll benefit from choosing you over your competition.

Your experience, accomplishments, and education will be part of your value proposition – it’s what your online visitors initially look for. But, when you write your story in an interesting way, including statements that show them how they’ll benefit, their enticement will turn into action.

Uncover how to portray your value proposition properly

As a value provider, you know that you need to attract prospects with more than just a website. You’re not a commodity. You’re the professional they will count on to deliver the best deals and the friendliest service in your market.

Portray your value proposition with social proof – what your previous clients are saying about you. Although your website should have a testimonials section with feedback and star ratings, pick a good one or two to repeat in your About-us page.

Slip testimonials into your About-us page content as relevant examples. Whenever you reveal a value proposition within your bio, add some proof to close the deal on each statement you make. If they’re naturally convinced while reading, you’ve got them!

Use memorable statements in your bio content

Next, use a few single memorable sentences or phrases – like taglines, to communicate how you will benefit them. Say something like:

“Referrals are the highest compliments I receive.”

Then, give an actual example of a sale you made from a referral.

Sprinkle statements like that strategically throughout your About-us page content. And be sure to include it as part of your story so it’ll fit in well. This is what turns your bio and entire About-us page into that lead-generating machine at the top of your sales funnel.

10 effective value-proposition statements to use for yourself

Sometimes it’s nice to get a little push in the right direction.  As such, Use any of these value-proposition statements for yourself:

  1. [NAME] uses the latest industry tools to stay on the cutting edge
  2. Previous clients always come to [NAME] with questions about the industry
  3. Previous clients naturally return to [NAME] when they need more
  4. [NAME] is a trusted member of the local community
  5. [NAME] enjoys working with families who’re not sure what to look for
  6. The ability to anticipate needs and desires are what makes [NAME] stand out
  7. [NAME] always has YOUR best interest in mind
  8. Personal attention is what [NAME] is known for among [HIS or HER] clients
  9. [NAME] will educate and inform you throughout the entire process

BONUS statement to establish great client connections:

[NAME] will support you beyond the sale and become an endeared friend That leads us to the next important aspect of your value proposition – your client connections. Show them how you’ll stick around through thick and thin as their endeared friend.

Write an About-us page for client connections

Your client connections become your bread and butter as you grow. So, aim at appealing to their feelings. Then, establish relationships that engender ongoing loyalty to you and your brand. Interestingly, some of the most famous brands use this as a primary driver for their brand loyalty.

When writing, avoid two things that reduce conversion rates:

  • Sounding too formal – people prefer friendly conversation here – don’t sound like a robot
  • Industry jargon and terminology isn’t what they’re looking for – teach them the lingo later

As I’ve seen in the majority of About-us pages, most writers make them sound formal. They probably do this to sound credible and trustworthy. But the truth is, online visitors are more likely to connect with a friendly voice. Avoid speaking a language they don’t connect with or understand.

Examples to direct your thinking before you start writing

Below is a statement I use in my own real estate About-us page example. It’s based on the real estate broker I personally worked for in the past – Susie Flinn in Rocky Point, Mexico. Almost every day, old friends of hers stop by to say hello. Those old friends are mostly previous clients.

Feel free to use the following about-us statement in your own About-us page. But keep in mind, there are three comprehensive About-us page templates that you can make your own, just a little further down.

Here’s a statement I use in my own About-us page template:

Ever since [DATE], [NAME] has been building and maintaining many long-term relationships with [HIS or HER] previous clients. As such, they always come to [HIM or HER] when they have questions, to say hi, or when they’re ready to upgrade to another home in [CITY].

Effective value propositions are always easy to understand when delivered in bite-sized pieces. And, they demonstrate specific results your clients will receive when using your services.

Use the following examples to portray the value you offer your clients:

Seven value proposition examples you may use

  1. You’re able to negotiate the best deal for your clients
  2. Educating your clients about the process is one of your top priorities
  3. You take the time to create the ideal design to meet your client’s needs
  4. Personal attention is what you’re know for among your previous clients
  5. Your attention to detail is impeccable – clients always count on you to deliver quality
  6. Knowledge and experience along with great skill allows you to provide the best every time
  7. You’re trusted inf your local community and have served some prominent businesses in your region

Finally, when including those bite-sized pieces within the story about you, digest easily and work inside the sub-conscience of your online visitors. That’s the magic of conversion – the building of interest and confidence while leading your visitors to sign up and become prospects and paying customers.

Build trust and confidence by showing your accolades & being transparent

Generally best placed near your contact form, your accolades truly build trust and confidence with your audience. And when your online visitors scroll down to your sign-up form, they see your accolades when it’s time to fill out your form – like a little push.

Arrange your certifications, awards, and any mentions in the press in a way that is easily seen. Be sure to use a heading and short description. And again, make sure you reveal your value proposition subtly within the content so they see how your accolades will help them.

Your transparency reveals what’s happening behind the scenes

Being transparent is a marketable asset. Although your conversations with potential customers are private, use generalized examples within your About-us page that reflects the type of conversations that occur. This will also prepare them psychologically ahead of time.

Use some angles you’ve come up with that really make the difference to bring about an awesome sale. Then, show how you deliver beyond what clients pay for.  If they know you’ll go above-and-beyond, they won’t worry about being nickeled-and-dimed to death in the future.

Display your amazing numbers and stats

Numbers portray your credibility, especially if you’re illustrating problems you’re solved or progress you’ve made.  Use stats on your About-us page to make a point about your mission or to quantify the impact you’ve made with previous clients.

Highlighting the milestones you’ve passed successfully. Then, tie in some eye-catching figures within your narrative. And, make sure you present how that benefits your clients.

Remember this…

When businesses deliver on their promises, users are willing to write them glowing reviews and recommend them to friends, colleagues, and family. Therefore, display how you’ve done that in the past and your credibility will grow by leaps an bounds.

Formulate your About-us page using an example for guidance

Let’s break down the many aspects that go into your bio. The first example is my personal design. It’s a complete, useable real estate About-us page example in an active real estate website template.

Live example from my own about-us page template design:

Take a moment to scroll down through the real estate About-us page example below. As you scroll through the content, notice how all of the aspects work together.

Then, see how the story ultimately leads the reader with buyer or seller intent right to the contact form. From the media to the colors and layout, this real estate About-us page example strategically delivers results! As you write your own real estate about page, please avoid creating a wall of text. Instead, deliver bite-size pieces so your readers will remain focused. When your content provides value propositional motivation, those readers with buyer or seller intent will truly sign up for more!

Use this story outline to reveal your narrative

Your narrative is your story that connects and explains your history and experience. As such, it reveals your success story. Therefore, craft a good narrative for your real estate about page by using the following outline:

  1. Start by setting the scene of your narrative: Briefly describe where you came from and your education. Only highlight a few key points in a concise way.
  2. Present the conflict you tackled: Reveal how your real estate market was underserved before you arrived on the scene to solve it.
  3. Show how you rose to the occasion: Present how and why you become a real estate agent – write your mission statement to entice your readers.
  4. State your unique solution to the conflict: Also in your mission statement, describe the ways you make the home-buying process better in your region.

Three ABOUT-US PAGE TEMPLATES to make your own

Below are three about-us page templates to fill in and quickly use in your own About-us page – make them yours. Be sure to throw in relevant quotes from previous customers along with accolades and mentions in the press. No mentions in the press yet? Write an article for your local paper or request an interview. Then, reference it within your real estate about page.

About Us Page Template #1

Hello, welcome to [BUSINESS NAME], where you always get the highest quality and value in [CITY]. As you’ll see, [NAME] has a successful track record you can count on!

[NAME] is excited to meet you and show you how [HE or SHE] excels in high-quality personal service. That translates to you receiving a great experience from start-to-finish, in a friendly and professional way.

Originally from [YOUR HOMETOWN], [NAME] received [DEGREE or CERT] from [LOCATION] and was a successful [PREVIOUS CAREER] prior to living [HIS or HER] dream as a [SERVICE TITLE] in [CITY]. Back in [DATE], [NAME] discovered that the [INDUSTRY] market in [CITY] was underserved.

[HE or SHE] realized this after some serious market research. As such, the local [INDUSTRY SERVICE] providers [DESCRIBE WHAT THEY LACKED]. That was [HIS or HER] lightbulb moment! After you meet [NAME], you’ll realize [HE or SHE] is the right person for the job. And, [HE or SHE] is someone you’ll be happy to call a friend. In fact, [HIS or HER] previous clients always come to [HIM or HER] for questions and additional work when they need it.

As a trusted member of the local community, you’ll benefit from working with [NAME]. [HE or SHE] will have your back throughout the process, keeping you educated and up-to-date. [NAME] is always available to answer your questions.

About Us Page Template #2

[NAME] has been [SERVICE PROVIDED] in [CITY] since [DATE]. So if you’re looking for [SERVICE] in [CITY], [HE or SHE] has a successful track record you can count on!

Originally from [YOUR HOMETOWN], [NAME] received [DEGREE or CERT] from [LOCATION] and was a successful [PREVIOUS CAREER] prior to living [HIS or HER] dream as [SERVICE PROVIDED]. [NAME] looks forward to meeting you and showing you how [HE or SHE] delivers high-quality service. As you’ll see, that translates to a great experience from the start.

After discovering the need for a great [SERVICE PROVIDED] professional in [CITY], [NAME] took it upon [HERSELF or HIMSELF] to become the best in [HIS or HER] region. Early on, [NAME] carefully studied the [INDUSTRY] market to understand what is needed for clients to succeed. That was the beginning of a [SERVICE PROVIDED] career that had a purpose: Provide the best service and help clients to be successful.

[NAME] uses [HIS or HER] expertise using the latest technology to ensure [HE or SHE] stays on top of the [INDUSTRY] market in [CITY]. That means, no stone will be left unturned. By keeping an eye on the latest [INDUSTRY] market trends, [NAME] optimizes [INDUSTRY] success – [HE or SHE] is an authority in the [CITY] [INDUSTRY] market for that very reason.

Being a trusted member of the local community, you will really benefit from working with [NAME]. [HE or SHE] has your back and will carefully lead you through the process.

About Us Page Template #3

Originally from [YOUR HOMETOWN], [NAME] is living [HIS or HER] dream as [SERVICE PROVIDED] in [CITY]. And, [NAME]’s success there is directly attributed to [HIS or HER] dedication to excellence in every aspect of the [INDUSTRY] market in [CITY].

From the beginning, [NAME] has been on a mission to improve the [INDUSTRY FUNCTION] process in [CITY] by streamlining it using the latest technology. But of course, [HE or SHE] knows that you can’t beat high-quality personal service and attention.

[NAME] looks forward to meeting you. [HE or SHE] wants to show you just how [HE or SHE] delivers high-quality personal service. As you’ll see, that translates to a great experience from start to finish.

Now create a great About-us page for yourself

Thank you for reading How to make a great About-us page that converts by Greg Hixon, the founder of ThemeDivs.  If you’re interested in learning how to build your own WordPress theme from scratch, without knowing PHP, check out HOW TO MAKE A WORDPRESS THEME FROM SCRATCH PIECE-BY-PIECE.